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Flying around IRAQ…

Below is an email that we received. Published with Capt. Garcia’s consent.

I’m a C-130 Pilot in the Air Force currently stationed in Iraq and a fellow Texan as well. Gig’em Aggies!!! We were flying here around Iraq last night when my Navigator got some jerky in the mail. He let us try some, and 2 hours later, all 5 bags he had were gone. I was so impressed that I just purchased 5 more lbs and can’t wait til it arrives. Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your Jerky and can’t wait to try all the flavors. Keep up the good work!!

Manuel Garcia, CAPT, USAF

We appreciated the comment and reciprocated by sending the good Captain samples of our new product that has not yet been released. This product is referred to as “Machaca” and is a very versatile ground jerky. It can be put in soups, salads, burritos or just about anything you want. It will likely spice up any MRE’s the armed forces has to offer. Thank you Captain Garcia and thank you to all the men in uniform.



Lights Jerky Brown Cow

The Lights Jerky Company, LLC

Alpine, TX 79832
100% Made in U.S.A.

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