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Lights Jerky UFO

Goal attainment of all forms are more easily attained when general distractions to the goal are limited. Distractions are often direct goal blockers. However, when we think of distractions we often make the assumption that these are variables outside of ourselves. Variables that can detach motive and commitment can often come from within. The internal distraction mode is what I call it.

Internal distraction modes are those variables that are born of the element of FEAR. Perceived FEAR that runs amuck affects the internal drive typically by internal voice dialogue. Negative self talk coupled with the notion of playing it safe can often unhinge momentum in goal pursuit. Momentum is then stalled and we often see complete goal abandonment or in milder forms the evolution of procrastination.

The internal Distraction mode can be overcome first by tuning into the reality of the fear element and distinguishing whether it is a perceived fear vs a real fear. Awareness of the internal voice dialogue theme can help understand the amount of negativity in your self judgments. Gaining ground on this insight will help in redirecting dialogue and ultimate judgement. When this occurs then you can begin practicing impeccability to yourself which will lessen the burden of perceived fear and release the internal distraction mode.

Sounds complicated but it really isn’t – let’s just say that you have to be completely honest with yourself when you set goals.; then , don’t become a distraction to the goal.

Peace Truth and Love…

Human motivation is a curious study indeed. From genuine motives to motives camouflaged as sincere and honest.

Ulterior motives are at the root of most human interactions, rather than the morality of the transaction at hand. The value of the gain seems to set the strength of the motivation.

Nowadays, the problem seems to be in searching for the genuineness of the transaction which introduces doubt and suspicion, which is the antithesis of trust. Ulterior motives are called “Secondary Gains”.

“Secondary Gains” describes a highly motivated state of an individual, not for the transaction at hand, but from what can be gained by the said transaction. It enlists the WIIIFM mentation- “What Is In It for Me”.

Secondary gains can be described as simply as a teenagers “rare hug” motivated by the possibility of being able to go to a party. The hopeful means to and end is to treat dad with love and respect so that one can get what they want out of the act. Of course, this is not a genuine interpersonal transaction based on empathy, love or respect, but rather a selfish “egoic” act.

Secondary gains can also be as complex as remaining in a marriage for economic reason, but to disguise it as love for your mate. Secondary gain transactions seem to be the most common means of interpersonal relations these days, making the emotion of trust difficult to comprehend. EGOIC thoughts and an internal voice dialogue of inconsideration for others can give rise to an fixed ungenerous outlook. But this will only go so far before others perception of you becomes that of self serving. At that point, people can trust that you can not be trusted.

Attempting to disallow the secondary gain strategy can be a difficult task, but if successful then truth becomes your ally. When truth becomes a means to end then peace becomes the force behind all transactions.

Peace, Love and Truth to all…

A traumatic experience resulting in some form of suffering at the hands of someone else is typically the birth of grievance. Grievance becomes so strong in an individual that has been “done wrong” that one becomes fixed on retaliation.

Bitterness becomes a reoccurring theme and revenge becomes the negative motivation for living. With this perceptive base the past becomes your present and power to the negative emotion is enhanced.

The fallout from the negative emotions prompted by the past gives rise to depressed states of thinking, feeling and acting. The downhearted individual is unable to gain momentum and the footing for growth. The lack of leverage to move in a positive direction is typically blamed on the original transgression, which becomes the cyclic recipe for life. How sad this becomes…

Forgiveness is a truthful means to the end resulting in peace. The Buddha once said, “holding on to anger is like picking up a hot coal with the intent of hurling it at someone else; you are the one that gets burned in the process.” Forgiveness allows us the fortitude to leave the burning coals behind, thus securing the footing for living in a energy of peace. There is seldom seen an act of bravery such as the act of forgiveness. Forgiveness is an act of strength, not a gesture of weakness as the ego would make one believe. Replacing Fear with Forgiveness is an act of courage leading to the strengthening of integrity. Integrity is the glue that holds morality together and is an expression of love.

Forgive today and let the healing begin…



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